The idea with the timer in the top of the screen is to keep it above zero by riding through “TIME” gates. If it reaches zero, the controls lock up and you can’t steer, so make sure you don’t go too slowly!
The high score gets topped up by bumping into large blue and small purple balloons on the track and depending on how far ahead you are when you cross the finish line, you get a high score bonus (I.e. first place gets a higher score bonus, but it could be for nought if someone else riding behind them bumps into even more balloons on the way than them to bring their score even higher). I recall that the bonus points are at a fixed amount so the only factor is race position.
I would love to do a sequel, but I am currently busy with other projects at the moment so keep up with my socials for all that stuff (never say never though!)
Hello! Is there any way to change the resolution or graphics options in-game? For some reason all of the textures and in-game graphics appear to be set to very low but I didn't see any options to change this :)
Well, the texture quality of all models in-game are made blurry and super low by default (since it's intended to emulate the look and feel of N64 games) and the screen resolution was set to automatically fill whatever monitor you happen to be using.
I designed this game with only game pads in mind I’m afraid, as keyboards seemed a bit antithetical to the ideal of relaxed local multiplayer I had in my head. Will definitely consider otherwise for any future games though! Hope this didn’t seem discouraging...!
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First of all, congratulations on the game, I'm having a bòast playing It!
You might ask more about management and scoring systems?
"The higher the timer gets, the more control they can exert over their inflatable tube"
Are you just referring to the fact that I can control the tube for longer or does the steering angle actually increase with a higher timer?
About the scoring system, how is the calculated the bonus given at the crossing of the finish line?
oh and one last thing... will we ever see Snowdown 2? 🥺
Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed!
The idea with the timer in the top of the screen is to keep it above zero by riding through “TIME” gates. If it reaches zero, the controls lock up and you can’t steer, so make sure you don’t go too slowly!
The high score gets topped up by bumping into large blue and small purple balloons on the track and depending on how far ahead you are when you cross the finish line, you get a high score bonus (I.e. first place gets a higher score bonus, but it could be for nought if someone else riding behind them bumps into even more balloons on the way than them to bring their score even higher). I recall that the bonus points are at a fixed amount so the only factor is race position.
I would love to do a sequel, but I am currently busy with other projects at the moment so keep up with my socials for all that stuff (never say never though!)
Hello! Is there any way to change the resolution or graphics options in-game? For some reason all of the textures and in-game graphics appear to be set to very low but I didn't see any options to change this :)
Well, the texture quality of all models in-game are made blurry and super low by default (since it's intended to emulate the look and feel of N64 games) and the screen resolution was set to automatically fill whatever monitor you happen to be using.
How can I play 2 players with keyboard and gamepad?
I designed this game with only game pads in mind I’m afraid, as keyboards seemed a bit antithetical to the ideal of relaxed local multiplayer I had in my head. Will definitely consider otherwise for any future games though! Hope this didn’t seem discouraging...!
This is a really cute and chill little game, super fun and relaxing to play! I enjoyed it a lot!